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Unlock ESL One Cologne 2014 Cache Souvenir Package

ESL One Cologne 2014 Cache Souvenir Package image
Contains one of the following:
Counter-Strike Case Simulator

This is the Counter-Strike 2 case opening UI recreated in React and Next.js.

To see a list of the last items unboxed by the entire community, go here.

The creator of this website can be found here.
The data is fetched from here.

And remember: just because you unbox a cool item here doesn't mean you'll get one in-game. Perform your hobby responsibly, or not at all.

Negev image
NegevNuclear Waste
P250 image
AUG image
AUGRadiation Hazard
PP-Bizon image
PP-BizonChemical Green
Five-SeveN image
Five-SeveNHot Shot
SG 553 image
SG 553Fallout Warning
Glock-18 image
MP9 image
MP9Setting Sun
XM1014 image
XM1014Bone Machine
MAC-10 image
MAC-10Nuclear Garden
Tec-9 image
FAMAS image
Galil AR image
Galil ARCerberus

You got a
Stats and historyTo see a list of the last items unboxed by the entire community, go here.
StatsOpened: 0Key spend: 0.00€ ($0.00)Consumer Grade: 0 (0.00%)Industrial Grade: 0 (0.00%)Mil-Spec Grade: 0 (0.00%)Restricted: 0 (0.00%)Classified: 0 (0.00%)Covert: 0 (0.00%)Rare Special Item: 0 (0.00%)
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Coverts and Golds
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